Grand Foyer Corner

Original Post: 24 February 2015
Posted Here: 28 November 2017

Grand Foyer Corner

DAZ3D and Renderosity email me several times daily to keep me up to date on new releases and special sales. I usually only buy things when I need them, but once in a while something that I have no use for catches my eye.

Not long ago I noticed the Grand Foyer Corner, by GrayCloudDesign/RPublishing. As usual, I had no thoughts of using it, but it looked so pretty that I bought it. I was amazed at the amount of work that must have gone into creating just this small part of a mansion.

I still have no use for the Grand Foyer Corner, but I decided that I would have a plastidroid walking up the stairs and just render it. No great artistic talent or effort was required on my part. I just liked the scene.

Keep reading, keep writing - Jack